The BEST File Manager for Windows
Works with and greatly enhances:
Windows 11, 10
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
Servers 2003 and later
Starting at just $50 for home use and $69 for a business license (and a business two-pack for just $99!)
Major new tools, significant upgrades to current components and faster folder listings.
See the V4 preview here.
A May 2017 Microsft security update for Windows 10 conflicted with a major routine in FileBoss resulting in FileBoss not starting on some Windows 10 systems.
Versions V3.101 and later, fix the problem. You can read more about this at the page
Windows Creators Conflict.
This View > Exclude > menu hides or displays groups of folders defined by special attributes or other conditions as explained below. Note that these are global settings and changes will affect all Explorer tabs both current and future. These settings are not present and do not affect Virtual Folders.